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Moon and Sun / CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL 4 April 2025 at 19:00


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  • Concert
  • Classical music
Hermitage Theater / Main hall
Адрес: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Dvortsovaya emb., 34

Продолжительность: 02:30
Антракт: 1

Moon and Sun

Festival Schedule / All Dates

Part I

L. Beethoven. Moonlight Sonata. Version for strings

J. Haydn. Moonlight Music from the opera "Moonlit World", ("Il Mondo della Luna"), Hob XXVIII: 7

B. Britten. Moonlight from the opera "Peter Grimes" (1945), op. 33

C. Debussy. Moonlight in the orchestration of Kaplet

R. Strauss. Music of the shining moon and the finale of the opera "Capriccio" (1940-1941), op. 85

Part II

M. Mussorgsky. Fragments from the opera "Khovanshchina" (1872-80), MM 57:

Dawn on the Moscow River

Dance of the Persian Women

"The Defeat of Sennacherib", for choir and orchestra (1866-67/1874), MM 38

S. Rachmaninoff. Intermezzo from "Aleko"

N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Sunrise from the opera-ballet "Mlada" (1889-90), op.deest 34

Volkhova's Lullaby from the opera "Sadko", op.deest 39

Oxana's Aria from the opera "The Night Before Christmas" (1894-95), op.deest 35

Aria of the Queen of Shemakha, march and death of Dodon from the opera "The Golden Cockerel" (1906-07), op.deest 53

I. Stravinsky. Round Dance of the Princesses from the ballet "The Firebird" (1910), K010

A. Borodin. Chorus of Polovtsian Maidens from the opera "Prince Igor", AB 25

S. Prokofiev. Procession of the Sun from the Scythian Suite (1914), op. 20

P. Tchaikovsky. Chorus and Finale from the Music to Ostrovsky's Drama "The Snow Maiden" (1873), op. 12

A. Borodin. Yaroslavna's Lament from the Opera "Prince Igor"

St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra

Artistic Director and Principal Conductor

People's Artist of Russia Sergei Stadler

Director - Irina Fokina

Soloists of the "Petersburg Concert"

Ensemble of Soloists "Rozhdestvo"

Artistic Director - Honored Artist of Russia Olga Stupneva

State Dance Ensemble "Barynya"

Director - Honored Artist of Russia Tatyana Timokhina

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes with intermission.

Age limit: 6+.

Each viewer c 0 years old must purchase a ticket.
