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Children's ballet in two acts Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 24 May 2025 at 13:00

85 1500 - 3200 ₽

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Children's ballet in two acts Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

  • For Kids
  • Ballet
  • Drama
Hermitage Theater / Main hall
Адрес: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Dvortsovaya emb., 34

Продолжительность: 01:15
Антракт: 1

Children's ballet in two acts "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

In St. Petersburg there will be a show of the unique performance "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" staged by the "New Dance Theater"

The ballet "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is a gift from our theater to audiences of all ages.

This story is close and dear to everyone, without exception. Perhaps it is difficult to find a kid who is unfamiliar with the fairy tale about Snow White, read in the book of the Brothers Grimm.

The story of the beautiful Snow White, pursued by her stepmother-sorceress, who found shelter in a magical forest with fabulous inhabitants in the house of funny and charming gnomes, pleases kids, schoolchildren and their parents. The charm of this fairy tale is so great that it captures a person immediately and for life.

Stars of the St. Petersburg Ballet, as well as pupils of the children's ballet school "New Dance Theater" take part in the performance.

The repertoire of the New Dance Theater Ballet School includes performances: The Christmas Tale "The Nutcracker", the opera "Adalmina's Pearl", staged jointly with the Mariinsky Theater, "The Boy at Christ on the Christmas Tree", as well as the performance of the International Cultural Center. S. Diaghilev's "The Great World of Anna Pavlova's Ballet" with the participation of the New Dance Theater troupe.

International Cultural Center. Sergei Diaghilev has existed since 2005, continuing the work of the famous Russian impresario Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev, carries out cultural and creative projects that popularize Russian musical art both in Russia and around the world, revives the traditions of Russian musical theater, supports young talents and opens up new ones to a wide audience. names, organizes art exhibitions, is engaged in educational and charitable activities.

Duration 1 hour 15 minutes with intermission.

The performance takes place under the soundtrack.
