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Act I
Scene One There is merriment on the castle terrace - Prince Siegfried is celebrating his coming of age. His friends congratulate him. A mischievous jester entertains those present. The servants announce the appearance of the Sovereign Princess - Siegfried's mother. She gives her son a crossbow and reminds him that the time has come and that tomorrow at the ball he must choose a bride. It is getting dark. The guests are leaving. Siegfried wants to be alone. He is tormented by vague premonitions... Seeing a flock of white swans in the sky, the prince rushes to the lake. Scene Two A lake in the forest thicket. The swans, having stepped onto the shore, turn into girls, and Siegfried lowers his crossbow, struck by their beauty. The Queen of the Swan Odette tells him that they are all in the power of the evil wizard Rothbart and only the power of selfless love can break the spell. Siegfried swears eternal love to her. Odette warns the young man: if he does not keep his oath, then no one will be able to help them. Dawn is approaching. The swans are swimming on the lake again. Odette says goodbye to Siegfried. Act II Scene Three Ball at the castle. One after another, beauties from different countries appear before the prince, but none of them attracts his attention. Siegfried's heart is given to Odette. Only by obeying his mother's insistence is the prince polite to the girls invited to the ball. The sounds of fanfares announce the arrival of new guests. The evil wizard Rothbart appears in the guise of a noble knight, with his daughter Odile. Siegfried is confused: this beauty is unusually similar to Odette! But Odile does not give the prince time to come to his senses. She beckons, enchants, seduces... and Siegfried, carried away by her, confesses his love to Odile. From now on, she is his bride! Rothbart triumphs: Siegfried has broken the oath he gave to Odette, and that means there is no love, no devotion, and nothing can resist his power. For a moment, a picture of the swan lake appears before Siegfried, and the young man, realizing the full horror of the deception of which he has become a victim, rushes to the lake, to Odette. Act III Scene Four Night. The shore of the lake. Odette tells her friends about Rothbart's treachery and Siegfried's involuntary betrayal. The prince appears, begging for forgiveness, promising to atone for his guilt. Black swans sent by the sorcerer try to separate the lovers, and Siegfried enters into single combat with Rothbart. The end of the power of evil forces has come, and the rays of the rising sun give life, love, happiness...