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Scene One Thousands of miles from Earth, the stars dance and frolic, gathering in round dances of constellations. They find it amusing to watch distant worlds, where everyone is in a hurry, striving for something, finding and losing love, drawn into the whirlpool of time. The Stars' joy is interrupted by a beautiful golden-haired boy, whom they affectionately call the Little Prince. The Prince is interested in watching life on distant planets and especially on the Earth, shimmering with turquoise light, together with the Stars. Most of all, the boy wants to know how people find their way to each other's hearts. He really wants to win the trust of the only one who lives in his heart - Rose. Scene Two On Earth, under the cold, alluring light of the Stars, people like to dream and hold hands. The sky seems infinitely distant to them, and only the Pilot feels free as a bird at the heights. In the sky, caught by the winds, wrapped in a cotton blanket of clouds, he forgets about everything. Somewhere below, the Pilot is waiting for the one for whom he returns to Earth every time. Together they look at the Stars, and he tells her about the twinkling caravans of constellations wandering somewhere far, far away. Scene Three Drawn by the stellar whirlwinds, the Little Prince wanders through the vastness of space, moving further and further away from his planet. And the more the Prince travels, the more clearly he sees that neither power nor knowledge make a person less lonely. The experience of those he meets on the road seems useless to the Prince, since none of these heroes are happy. His last hope is the Earth, where he is heading. ACT II Scene One Among the alluring mirages of the desert, the Pilot is looking for a way to salvation. The Little Prince, a wanderer from a distant planet, disturbs his solitude. The Prince really wants to play with the Lamb, whom he has never seen before. In gratitude for the painted lamb, the boy tells the Pilot about friendship and loyalty, which he learned from meeting the Fox. And the Pilot unexpectedly recognizes in the Prince's story the lost memories of his own childhood. This gives him the strength not to give up. Scene two In the bustle of the city, the Pilot's beloved does not take her eyes off the sky, where she hopes to see the familiar silhouette of an airplane. The unknown and the fear of never seeing her beloved again plunge the girl into despair. Scene three The nets of sand captivity entangle the Pilot more and more. He is saved from despair by a new meeting with the Prince, who wants to learn from him about the true meaning of love. Unable to forget about Rose, the boy says goodbye to his friend, this time forever. And the Pilot, having resurrected the image of his beloved in his memory, finds the way home. Scene four Years have passed. Spring penetrates the window of a large room with sunlight. The Pilot returns again and again to the alluring images of the past. The long-ago meeting with the Prince and their conversation about the meaning of love, which saved him from death, seem to the Pilot the key to understanding his whole life.